Adakah apa-apa peristiwa yg bakal berlaku dgn pemilihan tanggal 13hb utk perhimpunan agung Umno ini oleh Badawi?. Mungkinkah Monday 13 akan menjadi satu nightmare keatas kerajaan firaun hadhari, kerana mulut celupar firaun ini telah mengucapkan kata-kata bahawa dia bukanlah PERDANA MENTERI SATU PENGGAL DAN JANGAN MENGUJI KESABARANNYA. Disini telah terserlah ketakutan sebenar firaun ini iaitu terhadap bayang-bayangnya sendiri. Firaun hadhari ini sebenar-benarnya tahu bahawa tempoh pemerintahannya telah sampai kepenghujung.Lantaran rasa takut dan fobia yg teramat,maka terlontarlah kata-kata yg kurang siuman spt diatas dari mulut dan lidahnya yg telah sebati dgn pembohongan,pendustaan dan kata-kata ucapan yg merapu.
Monday 13 bakal menyaksikan saat-saat akhir kejatuhan kerajaan firaun hadhari dan harus diterima sebagai perhimpunan agung Umno terakhir utk firaun ini.Kemudian selepas itu bermulalah episod bala yg bakal diterima oleh firaun ini,kaum kerabatnya,balaci-balaci dan tukang kipasnya..Gelombang kemarahan rakyat ini bakal diterjemahkan sebagai bala dalam pilihanraya umum dgn menidakkan undi kpd BN.
P/s : Ucapan “SAYA BUKAN PERDANA MENTERI SATU PENGGAL”merupakan kemuncak kesombongan firaun hadahari dan seolah-olah telah mengaku bahawa dia bukan saja maksum tetapi telah setaraf dgn TUHAN, kerana dia telah tahu apa yang akan berlaku dimasa depan…Walhal selama ini dia terkenal dgn kata-kata saktinya “SAYA TAK TAHU”.
12:47 PM
It is either Badawi has given his blessings or he is such a lame-duck prime minister and Umno president that even Umno Youth don't care a damn about what he says.
The prime minister should resign and take full responsibility for the clowns in his circus
To blame others and to cast aspersions on the achievements of non-malay entrepreneurs show a lack of responsibility.
Yes, Public Bank is doing well because it is managed professionally. Can the same be said of Bank Bumi or Bank Islam? Who is to blame for this? With all the help that the GLCs have secured, just ponder on what are the achievements of MAS, Telekom and Tenaga!
The government can keep on paying and supporting questionable ventures but without accountability and professionalism, greed is the factor that will undercut everything.
Let the people remember the very words uttered by these malay supremists when the general elections come around. We all know that with the general elections, the rhetoric switches to one of a more conciliatory voice; i.e. BN component hand-in-hand serving the people, Malaysian unity, working together for a better tomorrow, etc, etc.
This is the voice of a double-headed animal. Unfortunately, this is what gives politics in Malaysia a bad name. Politics is not dirty. It is only when we have politicians who have no principles, no shame and devoid of any integrity in what they say that politics become dirty.
Again, this Umno-led government has become so confused as to the demarcation of responsibilities. What has happened to the administration, so many gaffes and so many clarifications! The people are confused because we have a prime minister equally confused!
What a sick country we are living in. It is goes to show that there is no equality, fairness, meritocracy, etc. We the silent majority must start canvassing now and spread the word around to vote for change by voting in the opposition. Just tell the voters - BN equals more strip squats, discrimination, baldness, etc. Thanks.
Too many non-malays, the Chinese especially, have given up on this country. This is a fact. It is a fact that the bunch of jokers has better wake up to, for it will come to a head someday.
Denial of reality is a dangerous disease. It can strike down future generations because like the army vehicles, when you run out of spare parts or oil for that matter, you are wide open to the very colonialisation that has warped your fears.
Except that the new form of colonialisation isn't from the outside. It is all inside.
If they keep only dreaming that they can seduce and tax the patience of half the people population, then mother Malaysia will one day have to face up to some of its most belligerent off-springs, those who seem to think theirs should be the only voice.
Frankly, one is not sure anymore God will want to have anything to do with anyone in this blinkered country.
Lim Keng Yaik questioned why after 36 years, malay equity ownership was still 18.9%.
In 2004, Morgan Stanley issued a report that estimated that over 100 billion US dollars (360 billion ringgit) had been lost to malay patronage (NEP) in the 20 years preceding 2003 (1984 to 2003).
One economist estimates that in the 36 years of its existence, the NEP has been used to channel over one trillion ringgit to the malay community through ASB, ASN and all related government policies.
Since 1970, the government has used the NEP to covet education, employment and every other conceivable benefit to the malays. These measures have largely been successful with all the top posts in GLCs, government, public listed companies, universities and practically every single area that the government has any control over being reserved for one race
The chief setbacks of the abuses of NEP are ineffectual bureaucracy, perverted social values, rampant corruption and cronyism, retarded economic growth, thwarted economic competitiveness, unrelenting brain drain, warped educational system and worsening racial polarization. Such anachronistic and regressive policy has no place in the present globalize world, and for that matter, in any civilized society.
This greed is not going to end. We as a nation of loyal citizens have to put a dent into this rubbish for the sake of our children.
In Malaysia, it is all about race and religion. Other than the old South Africa, I think Malaysia is the only country that officially practice racial discrimination.
There are very few countries (if any) in the world where government promotes affirmative action for the majority.
Look at the NEP, the housing discount for malays, the number of malays in all government composition of political parties. How come nobody complain to United Nation?
This proves to the world that Malaysia is one country two standards. Pak Lah said he is fair to all citizens, and he is the prime minister for all Malaysians. Is he?
No wonder, our Malaysia country has become a laughing stock to the world. What kind of message is our country sending to the media?
We are almost coming to 50 years after independence - surely the country has matured sufficiently to accept that democracy, whatever its weaknesses, works best for all.
For a 48 years old person - Malaysia is an overgrown imbecile who is clearly a very spoilt brat. What more is that it has also started to exhibit symptoms of senility.
This is a great shame for someone who has never managed to grow up to an adult. Without reaching adulthood, it has directly become senile. If that is not the fault of the government ruling parties, one cannot think of any other reasons.
The worst thing is it happening under the nose of our prime minister who had so many times pledged and promised a fair and transparent administration.
Again one shameful decision by the authorities. Anyway, it is nothing new. In year 2020, it will still be the same. This 'senility' haven been spread out by the Umno-led government. And I don't see there is a cure even in the year 2020.
For heaven sake, enough is enough, Pak Lah has the courage to remove his cabinet ministers before he make a vast mockery of our country.
It is a tried and tested Umno formula, written and fine-tuned during the reign of Mahathir. The principle is simple: when facing a potentially serious threat from within your own party, change the focus by turning the guns on the non-malays, particularly the Chinese.
And the forum where this is done is usually at the ostentatious obscenely, offensive display of crude malay domination - the Umno general assembly.
But the lessons of history are immutable and bigger than any collection of men. Things always tend towards a balance, and institutions and individuals that effect unfairness and corruption always collapse and face their day of reckoning.
The international media is beginning to shine a light on the naked racism that is the foundation of Malaysia public policy.
Ironically, the biggest losers are going to be the malays. Their reputation as a race is now beginning to get tarred as international journalists, business peoples and analysts talk about them getting handouts without lifting a finger to earn them.
Sadly, 40 years on, the malays are being classified as lazy and incompetent and greedy.
Actually, the average number of Malaysians who get into Harvard for undergrad studies per year is 1.
It is quite easy to increase the number of Malaysians entering Harvard - ask one of our brilliant ministers to wield his keris in front of Harvard, demanding at least 100 students to be accepted into Harvard each year.
Just my 2 cents. Hahaha……….let us hope for a better education in Malaysia.
Well, there was professor KS Jomo who attended Harvard for his MBA (prior to that he was at Yale). He came back to teach but look what happened to him!
We hope for less intervention from government in tertiary education, less oppression on Chinese schools in Malaysia……….[Hisham: "Nah, dream on!"]
Was joking actually on the keris wielding thingy - these people can't even take up an assistant post if they are not in the government……….ok, I know I am exaggerating.
Ancient Chinese wisdom says that officials have two mouths. This is still true today.
It always surprise me that by the behaviour of Malaysia politicians. It irks even more that people think that the link is between the behaviour of our politicians and our children.
The problem begins first and foremost with policy. At the gist of it is the un-meritocracy and politicisation of the educational system.
The effect of politicisation is unchecked because we do not have free speech in this country. At the core of issues are the hegemonic policies of the Umno.
The problem is that it is very hard to do and takes a lot of effort, which our small-minded leaders are not up to the challenge.
Political leaders are keep falling into vain traps to believe that they can change of students and young minds with their policies and power.
Fine during undergraduate years, it is rather obvious that there is little racial integration within the university. Why? Because the students know certain races have certain advantages on the others. Yet most of them do not voice out, lest they will be 'blacklisted'.
Freedom is suppressed to the fullest extent.
The truth is that history has suggest that it is a vain attempt that only bring adverse result - in the long run the best way to educate and ensure good values in our children is to expose them to issues and debate them openly when it comes up.
Education systems are so different. Who is to judge what is worthy and what is not worthy? So, think smart, unless you have a deep pocket to support your education overseas.
To change all these, we need to change the current environment and government policies. Can we? Otherwise, we will continue to talk till the cow comes home.
Rafidah latest outburst is akin to those statements made by Malaysia ministers: Badrud and Omar. It is like telling the foreign investors: "If you don't like it, please get out."
What a brainless statement given by the minister - if I were the investor I also won't give 30% to the sleeping partners. Regardless you are bumi or not, prove to the investors that you are capable of holding the percentage of shares you want, with you own capability, you can even get more than that.
Put it this way, from business point of view, if you are the foreign investor, what will attract you to invest in Malaysia compares to China? China is more resourceful and unless you want to close the door and just do business with your own people.
I think she is trying to divert corruption topic on herself……….sigh, let her disappear by herself?
But seriously, we need to reinvent ourselves, sharpen our pencils and get some young guns to promote and do a better job of selling (not selling out) the country.
The education system needs a serious re-looking to encourage innovative thinking instead of churning out graduates fit for the assembly line and manufacturing field.
Singapore has a population 10 times smaller than ours yet it reaps in FDI that is 5 times ours! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out something is wrong.
Too much has been said.
When I actually make that giant leap, I make it solely for the future of my family. If you look at it from an economic point of view, I will lose more than half of my accumulated wealth.
Emigrating is simply a decision that I make within my family and has nothing to do with the guy next door. Call it selfish or whatever, but all I can say is that it is none of anyone's business. I am the one leaving behind the bad and good times, family and friends, my social circle, and the people and things I love.
If I had millions of surplus cash like many of our 'politicians', I might put it in a briefcase and just walk into another country and buy properties and live a good life. It might then be a decision that needs not much thinking about at all.
You see, I am not leaving my country, but leaving behind a system that does not present a fair future for my generation. It is a pity that my kids will not have the opportunity to grow up with their cousins and the older generation.
They will lose a very big part of our tradition, but I am hoping that they will grow up to be good human beings, able to do whatever they please with their future.
There is so much out there for everyone, but it is a pity that the lords and masters of our country are trying to limit the capabilities of our children. From where I stand, we are moving from becoming a developed nation to a backward nation in terms of intellectual ability.
See what is happening to our universities, as they churn out youngsters into a workforce that does not view them as valuable resources. This is due to the many limitations (government propaganda, quota, syllabus, etc) within the system that disallows young minds to be competitive and independent in the world market.
Everybody knows it, but no one dares speak out. This itself is creating a very subversive culture which will only damage the country in the long run.
Perhaps one day things will change, but I do not see it in the near future and am not willing to bet my family's future on it. Yes, I am looking for a better life, but not necessarily a wealthier life. When my kids become adults, where they choose to live, will be their decision.
The grass may not be greener on the other side, but you never, never know if you never, never go!
Interesting article.
The world is rapidly changing, with WTO and globalisation. What is really scary is that many of our Malaysia politicians are still living in the 60s and 70s and have not kept up to the times. They continue to use scare tactics and intimidation.
And let us face the facts; the average malay is just not ready for globalization. Due to misconstrued policies and handouts, the biggest losers in the globalisation race in Malaysia are unfortunately going to be the malays.
Their solution; Continue fiddling with the wealth redistribution and NEP instead of creation. And the use of scare tactics to prevent any discussion about this.
While the country is gradually slipping down the competitive ladder, the leaders particularly from Umno are playing fiddle.
Smart Malaysians are quietly looking for opportunities to invest overseas or even contemplating emigration.
Nobody wants to be the last passenger to get out in a sinking ship.
This is music to the ears of our Umno officials - money can buy anything, and our Umno-based politicians/ministers are very good at this.
First money politics, now money academics. Expect more Oxbridge graduates from Malaysia. Good or bad - time will tell.
My school in the 50s and 60s when terms like bumi and non-bumi did not exist.
Back then, there was a kind of kindred among school children then that does not exist today. We were racially different but we were all equal in every other way. Nobody was 'special'.
Today when a non-malay student goes to school, he has already been told over and over again by his parents that, 'You will have to do superlatively in order to get into a local university.'
The child comes back having done creditably well, and doesn't get the university course of his choice. But his malay classmate, with worse marks than him, gets more than he asked for.
All these double standards and retrogressive policies were put in place by our selfish politicians whose aim, rather than uplifting the malays, was to perpetually stay in power for their own good.
The end result is a new generation of Malaysians who are not united in the least.
The first thing to be done towards a real Bangsa Malaysia is to pull down all divisions that categorise us along racial and religious lines.
All, irrespective of race and religion, must be subjected to a truly merit-based system in every sphere of Malaysian life.
All political parties that exploit any form of religion should be banned.
The bad though is that Umno cronies continue to live with the same sense of falseness. The good news was that at least now there isn't any pretence from Umno in terms of its agendas and policies.
They continue to hang on for dear life despite doubts of the current leadership or they lack the courage to do the right thing. I truly feel ashamed of Gerakan, MCA and MIC leaders for what I associate as taking slaps with a smile.
The refusal to adapt, change and grow has become a way of life with the Umno-malays. Abuse of power, lack of virtues and the shameless acts of corruption become the only way for survival.
Let history be the judge of the malays for throughout history it has been proven time and again that a false sense of 'supremacy' will ultimately result in a downfall. Survival is a funny game.
The ability to adapt, change, grow and reinvent is among the formulas that have been proven to work. The Umno refusal to change and adapt will lead the party to its own extinction.
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